Department Chair Dr. Mary Hawn in conjunction with the San Jose Surgical Society hosts the new George B. Armanini Lecture. Dr. Ron Weigel is Chair of the Department of Surgery at the University of Iowa.

Dates to Know
2021 ASCO Annual Meeting
OCTOBER 1, 2020
ASCO Voices Auditions Open
NOVEMBER 12, 2020
Abstract Submission Opens
NOVEMBER 15, 2020
ASCO Voices Audition Deadline
Member Registration and Hotel Reservations Opens
Registration and Hotel Reservations Opens to All
FEBRUARY 17, 2021 at 11:59 PM ET
Abstract Submission Deadline
MARCH 18, 2021
Late-breaking Submission Deadline (Abstract placeholder is required by February 17 deadline)
Abstract Notifications sent to First Author
MAY 19, 2021 at 5:00 PM ET
Abstracts released on
JUNE 4-8, 2021
ASCO Annual Meeting
Dr. Ehab Sorial is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Division of Vascular Surgery.
Abstract Submission Link & Information will be available in Nov 2020!
For more information, see website:
Future Clinical Congresses
Clinical Congress
2020 | Chicago, IL October 4–8 |
2021 | Washington, DC October 24–28 |
2022 | San Diego, CA October 16–20 |
2023 | Boston, MA October 22–26 |
2024 | San Francisco, CA October 20–24 |
2025 | Chicago, IL October 5–9 |
2026 | Washington, DC September 26–October 1 |
2027 | San Diego, CA, October 17–21 |
2028 | Boston, MA October 22–26 |
2029 | San Francisco, CA October 20–25 |
Above listing reflects Sunday through Thursday dates
Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPH, MPA, FAAP, FACP, FAHA, FTOS is an obesity medicine physician scientist, educator, and policy maker at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
All current Professional Development Residents, and PGY-3, PGY-4 and PGY-5 categorical residents are strongly encourage to submit abstracts, submission is optional for PGY-1 and PGY-2 residents. Faculty please encourage non-MD research fellows, postdocs and other mentees in your labs to submit abstracts. Since these trainees are not always on the Department of Surgery email lists, please inform them about this opportunity directly.
- Abstract is limited to 250 words, excluding the Title, Author(s) or Section Title.
- Each Abstract must be submitted by the first author.
- Abstracts received after the posted deadlines will not be accepted.
- Revised abstracts will not be accepted after the posted due dates.
Contact Information: Joseph Martinez or Julia Miranda if you have any questions.
- Download the abstract template <<HERE>> and follow the form carefully.
If the abstract form is not followed as is, it will be returned for revisions.
- Submit your completed abstract and key figure <<HERE>>.
One abstract per submission; if you have multiple abstracts repeat the process.
Zara Cooper, MD, MSc is an acute care surgeon, trauma surgeon, and surgical intensivist certified in palliative medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.