Organized by: American College of Surgeons (ACS)
The ACS Clinical Congress remains the premier annual surgical meeting and provides a broad range of outstanding education and training opportunities for surgeons, surgery residents, medical students, and members of surgical teams. Cutting-edge surgical research, hands-on learning opportunities, timely discourse on the most relevant surgical topics, and unparalleled peer access have long been hallmarks of Clinical Congress.
More than 120 Panel Sessions will cover the wide range of topics in these areas, and an exciting series of Named Lectures will be delivered by world-renowned experts in their respective fields. Didactic/Experiential and Surgical Skills Courses will emphasize advanced knowledge and skill acquisition through focused, applied learning techniques.
The purpose of the Clinical Congress is to keep ACS Members and interested non-Fellow physicians abreast of the current status of the art and science of surgery. To accomplish its purpose, the Clinical Congress offers a highly diversified program of continuing education in all specialties of surgery and in important fields of science, socioeconomics, and medical education. It holds the preeminent place among all College activities designed to raise the standards of surgical practice and improve the care of the surgical patient.