2025 CWIS International Meeting
September 1 – 2, 2025
The Chest Wall Injury Summit Program Committee encourages you to submit an abstract for oral presentation at the 2025 CWIS International meeting in Brussels, Belgium, which will be held on 1-2 September 2025. The goal of the meeting is to exchange ideas about best practices in the daily delivery of excellent patient care.
There may be areas of controversy, where your research and experience can help participants choose the best practice for their individual patients. The abstracts may be research-focused, clinical-focused, or program-focused. The abstract must describe work that is evidence-based and can be early implementation or brainstorming stage.
Click on link below for further details:
Abstract Submission:
Click here for further details: https://southernsurg.org/meeting/
Submitting an Abstract for inclusion in the Annual Program
In the spring, the Southern Surgical Association will begin accepting abstracts for the 137th Annual Meeting, December 7-10, 2025, at The Homestead, in Hot Springs, Virginia.
Current SSA members may submit their abstracts by the deadline for consideration in the Annual Scientific Program.
Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday, June 30, 2025, 11:59 PM EDT.
Who can submit an abstract?
At least one co-author must be an active member of the SSA and serve as the corresponding author responsible for submitting the abstract by the due date. The Program Committee will communicate with the corresponding author on the decision made. It is obligation of the corresponding author to notify all additional authors of the Program Committee’s decision.
Submission Guidelines
The deadline to submit an abstract for the 137th Annual Meeting is June 30, 2025, 11:59 PM EDT.
Who can present a paper?
Only current SSA members will be allowed to present papers at the annual meeting. Members and co-authors will be allowed to discuss and/or close the discussion. Up to fourteen (14) non-members may be granted permission to present a paper and will be chosen by the Program Committee immediately following abstract selections for the final program. Non-member presenter status will not be granted for trainees (students/ residents/ research or clinical fellows). However, any non-member, including a trainee, may close the paper.