March 1, 2024
Midnight PST
Submit here: https://www.pedtrauma.org/abstracts
Abstract Categories
Scientific Category
Scientific abstracts may include original research, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or large case series. Isolated case reports are not eligible for submission in this category. This category includes original scientific investigation designed to produce new knowledge or approaches. If a submitted abstract describes animal experimentation or involves the use of human subjects, authors must be prepared to provide IACUC or IRB approval numbers upon request.
Best Practices Category
Best practice abstracts may include quality improvement projects, process improvement reports, expert panel consensus, or surveys of best practices/practice recommendations. This category may include ongoing or completed projects, including education programs, novel and innovative methods for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of a program or policy.
Presentation Format & Manuscript Submission
Presentation Format
Abstracts may either be selected for oral podium presentation or poster presentation. Presenting authors must register and attend the conference to present in-person.
Manuscript Submission
All research abstracts selected for presentation are invited to submit a full manuscript for publication in the Journal of Pediatric Surgery, WPTC Special Edition. Abstract presenters will receive an email regarding manuscript preparation and deadlines. Manuscripts are generally due in early July. Authors must follow formatting instructions for the Journal of Pediatric Surgery.
Notice: Prior Publication
Prior Publication
Abstracts submitted to the WPTC may not be published previously or presented elsewhere in its current form prior to Western Pediatric Trauma Conference 2024. Abstracts previously presented at local or regional meetings may be submitted for consideration.
Each year, the WPTC recognizes investigators for exceptional presentations and abstract contributions. Accepted abstracts will be eligible for the following:
Young Investigator Award
Please indicate at the time of abstract submission if the first author is a resident or fellow in order to be considered for this award.
Kris Hansen Best Practice Award
Scientific Poster Award
Best Practice Poster Award
SMDM 46th Annual Meeting
The Future of Medical Decision Making…
in the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence.
October 27 – October 30, 2024
George Sherman Union, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
Meeting Co-Chairs:
Jagpreet Chhatwal, PhD
Amber E Barnato, MD MPH MS
- 15 March – Abstract Submission Portal Open
- 17 May – Abstract Submission Portal Close
- 25 July – Accepted Oral & Poster Announcements Shared