American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2019 Annual Meeting Abstract Submission Deadline
Mar 1 all-day




Organized by: American College of Surgeons (ACS)

The ACS Clinical Congress remains the premier annual surgical meeting and provides a broad range of outstanding education and training opportunities for surgeons, surgery residents, medical students, and members of surgical teams. Cutting-edge surgical research, hands-on learning opportunities, timely discourse on the most relevant surgical topics, and unparalleled peer access have long been hallmarks of Clinical Congress.

More than 120 Panel Sessions will cover the wide range of topics in these areas, and an exciting series of Named Lectures will be delivered by world-renowned experts in their respective fields. Didactic/Experiential and Surgical Skills Courses will emphasize advanced knowledge and skill acquisition through focused, applied learning techniques.

The purpose of the Clinical Congress is to keep ACS Members and interested non-Fellow physicians abreast of the current status of the art and science of surgery. To accomplish its purpose, the Clinical Congress offers a highly diversified program of continuing education in all specialties of surgery and in important fields of science, socioeconomics, and medical education. It holds the preeminent place among all College activities designed to raise the standards of surgical practice and improve the care of the surgical patient.

American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2020 Annual Meeting Abstract Submission Deadline
Mar 2 all-day

Call for Abstracts and Videos




The call for abstracts and videos for Clinical Congress 2020, October 4–8 in Chicago, IL, is now open. Start submitting abstracts and videos today.

Abstracts or videos may be submitted for the following Clinical Congress programs:

Owen H. Wangensteen Scientific Forum

The Owen H. Wangensteen Scientific Forum offers researchers the opportunity to present the results of their original, basic science, clinical, education, health sciences, and translational research.

 Learn more

Video-Based Education Sessions

The Video-Based Education Sessions aims to educate surgeons and members of surgical teams in order to improve the care of the surgical patient, as well as safeguard the standards of care in an optimal practice environment.

 Learn more

History of Surgery Poster Session

The History of Surgery Poster Session offers surgical history enthusiasts the opportunity to present on subjects of interest related to the history of the field of surgery and its subspecialties.

 Learn more

Deadline: Monday, March 2, 2020 11:59 pm (CST)

Please note: The committees do not accommodate or consider late abstract submissions.

21st Annual Emile F. Holman Lectureship & Resident Day Abstract Submission
Mar 15 all-day

The Department of Surgery is now accepting abstracts for the 21st Annual Holman Lecture! Abstracts are due by Friday, March 15 at 11:59 PM PST to Joseph Martinez (

Goodman Meeting
Apr 17 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Goodman Research Meeting
Apr 17 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
AcademyHealth Travel Scholarship Deadline
Apr 30 – May 1 all-day

The Surgical Outcomes Club AcademyHealth Travel Scholarship provides an avenue for young investigators to attend the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting and gain experience and knowledge in the fields of surgical outcomes and health services research. For more information, or to apply, please visit our website:

Society for Medical Decision Making 41 Annual North American Meeting Abstract Deadline
May 28 all-day

41st Annual North American Meeting

Many Views on Value

October 20 – October 23, 2019

Portland, OR

DoubleTree by Hilton Portland
1000 NE Multnomah St.
Portland, OR  97232 USA

The theme Many Views on Value rests on the idea that value is a function of the lens through which one sees the world. Inherent in this is an assumption that different stakeholders are necessary to understand the true value of any intervention. The pre-meeting short courses will include methodology sessions on assessing values in patients and caregivers, clinicians, policy makers and other stakeholders.

Meeting Co-Chairs: Karen Eden, PhD, Carmen Lewis, MD, MPH and Daniel Matlock, MD

More information will be posted as we near the meeting.

Michael Zinner Health Services Research Fellowship
Jun 1 @ 11:45 pm – Jun 2 @ 12:45 am

Michael Zinner Health Services Research Fellowship. The goal of the Surgical Outcomes Club (SOC) Michael Zinner Health Services Research Fellowship Program is to provide an avenue for junior surgical investigators to acquire the skills, knowledge, and network needed to develop, execute, and publish research studies in the field of surgical outcomes and health services research under the guidance of a high-quality experienced mentor.

Western Surgical Association
Jun 10 all-day


Call for Abstracts

The WSA 2019 Call for Abstracts is Now Open!

Deadline: June 10, 2019 at 11:59pm PST



  • Oral Presentation | Accepted oral presentations will be required to submit a manuscript to the Journal of the American College of Surgeons (JACS). Additionally, a WSA Member must close the discussion of your paper at the WSA 2019 Annual Meeting. If your abstract is not selected as an Oral presentation, it will automatically be considered for a Poster presentation.
  • ePoster Presentation |Poster presentations do not require manuscript submission.
  • Video Presentation |Video presentations do not require manuscript submission. If your video is not selected for a Video podium presentation, it will be considered for a Video ePoster.


  • The abstract body (not counting abstract title or author string) must not exceed 500 words
  • Graphs, photos and/or tables are not accepted
  • Video format: Must not exceed 8 minutes, sound optional, MOV or MP4 formats only.
  • No reference to the authors or the institution should appear within the body of the abstract.
  • You do not need to be a Western Surgical Association member to submit an abstract for consideration. However, if selected, your member sponsor must be present for the meeting (and close the discussion if selected as an oral presentation).


You will need the following information before you submit your abstract.

  • Principal Contact & Presenter Information (name, address, phone number and email address)
  • Name and email address of sponsoring member (if none of the authors are WSA members)
  • List of Authors
  • Abstract body (500 words or less)
  • 2 Self-Assessment Questions
Southern Surgical Association 2019 Annual Meeting Abstract Submission Deadline
Jul 1 all-day

Who is allowed to submit?

At least one co-author must be a member of the SSA and serve as the corresponding author who is responsible for notifying the other co-authors of the Program Committee’s decision.

Who is allowed to present a paper?

Only members will be allowed to present papers unless consideration is requested by a member co-author and permission granted by the Program Committee. Up to seven (7) non-members may be allowed to present papers. This determination will be made immediately after abstracts are selected by the Program Committee. Non-member presenter status will not be granted for trainees. Any non-member, including a trainee, may close the discussion, however.