June 3-7, 2022 • McCormick Place • Chicago, IL, Online
The 2022 Abstract Submitter will open on November 3rd. Browse our submission guidelines and prepare your research for submission.
For submission Guidelines & Requirements, see link: https://conferences.asco.org/am/abstract-submission
All current Professional Development Residents, and PGY-3, PGY-4 and PGY-5 categorical residents are required to submit abstracts. Submission is optional for PGY-1 and PGY-2 residents.
Faculty: please encourage non-MD research fellows, postdocs and other mentees in your labs to submit abstracts. Since these trainees are not always on the Department of Surgery email lists, please inform them about this opportunity directly.
- NEW: Individuals can only submit 2 abstracts each and must be for different projects. We will not accept multiple abstracts for the same project by the same author.
- Abstract is limited to 250 words, excluding the Title, Author(s) or Section Title.
- Each abstract must be submitted by the first author and self-select category clinical/HSR/education or basic/translational.
- Abstracts received after the posted deadlines will not be accepted.
- Revised abstracts will not be accepted after the posted due dates (TBD).
- Contact Information: Joseph Martinez josephm@stanford.edu or Julia Miranda mjulia@stanford.edu if you have any questions.
- Sign into the Stanford G-Suite tool with your Stanford Email to download and submit Holman22 abstract.
- Download the abstract template <<HERE>> and follow the form carefully.
If the abstract form is not followed as is, it will be returned for revisions.
- Submit your completed abstract and key figure <<HERE>>.
One abstract per submission; if you have multiple abstracts, please repeat process.
For more info, please refer to this link: http://westernvascularsociety.org/upcoming-meeting/
Submission Deadline: Monday, July 5, 2022 11:59pm (CT)
2022 AAHS, ASPN, ASRM Annual Meetings
Please read all of the following important key points:
- Abstracts must be 400 words or less. Images can be included but may reduce the allowable word count. Please view submission instructions specific to each organization for details.
- No names should be included in the abstract title or text. Nor should the abstract title appear in the text. Names will be automatically hidden from the reviewers during abstract review and will be automatically inserted and properly formatted upon publication.
- Every author for whom an email address is provided will be automatically informed of the unique ID numbers and passwords assigned to their abstracts. Abstracts may be viewed and modified at any time between submission and the deadline, using the assigned ID# and password.
- The presenting author will be notified of the acceptance status of the abstract(s) via email. Please make sure your e-mail address is current and correct in order to receive continuous notifications relating to your abstract. No other form of notification will be provided.
- The general criteria for consideration of abstracts by the Scientific Program Committees are originality, clarity and concise presentation. Research papers will be additionally evaluated for purpose of study, methodology/design, results and conclusions. Multiple entries of the same abstract to more than one program AAHS, ASPN, or ASRM are NOT allowed.
- Each organization has posted instructions or guidelines below to detail specific requirements.
Submit an Abstract: https://aahsaspnasrm.confex.com/aahsaspnasrm/2022/cfp.cgi
The 2023 Abstract Submission Site is Now Open!
Presentation Formats
- Oral or ePoster: Abstracts submitted to this category will be competitively evaluated by the Program Committee for presentation in the oral, quick shot or ePoster format. Presentations selected will be eligible for annual awards including best overall, basic science or clinical paper presented from the podium or as an ePoster.
- Oral Only: Abstracts submitted to this category will be competitively evaluated by the Program Committee for presentation in the oral format ONLY (Podium and Quick Shot). Abstracts will NOT be considered for ePoster presentation. Presentations selected will be eligible for annual awards including best overall, basic science or clinical paper presented from the podium.
- ePoster Only: Abstracts submitted to this category will be evaluated for ePoster presentation only. Presentations selected will be eligible for best basic science or clinical e-poster.
- Video: Abstracts submitted to this category will be competitively evaluated by the Video-Based Education Committee for presentation during the video abstract symposium and the Ongoing Video Room. Videos selected will be eligible for the best video award.
- Case Study: Abstracts submitted to this category will be evaluated for ePoster presentation only.
- Research Forum: Abstracts submitted to this category will be competitively evaluated by the Young Researchers Committee for oral presentation during the Research Forum. This session highlights developing areas of research that have clinical relevance for the care of patients with colorectal diseases. Presentations selected will be eligible for the Research in Progress award. If not accepted for Oral presentation the abstract will be considered for ePoster presentation.
- New Technology: Abstracts submitted to this category will be competitively evaluated by the Program Committee in conjunction with the New Technologies Committee for oral presentation during the New Technology Symposium. This symposium highlights the development, integration, evaluation and dissemination of new technology in the practice of colon and rectal surgery. If not accepted for Oral presentation the abstract will be considered for e-poster presentation.
The Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons 56th Annual Meeting
September 10-14 in Bali Indonesia.
Abstract Submission: https://abstractscorecard.com/cfp/submit/login.asp?EventKey=EAWTRNSS