Call for Abstracts
2019 Abstract Submissions:
Abstract Submission Site Opens: Monday, June 25, 2018 @ 11:00am ET
Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, August 24, 2018 @ 11:59pm ET
Submit Your Abstract Now! |
Important Documents:
2018 Abstract Submission Guidelines
2018 CME COI Policy
NOTE: ALL content authors are required to disclose any financial relationship(s) with an ACCME-defined commercial interest (‘industry’). Also, no content author may be an employee of a commercial interest.
Important Notice: Given our record-breaking abstract submission numbers over the past few years — and in order to maximize the number of participants in the ASC — the number of abstracts that an individual first author may present to limited to TWO presentations. There is no limit to the number of abstracts that may be submitted, and — if more than two abstracts are accepted — the two highest scoring abstracts will be selected for presentation. Please note that there is no limit on the number of abstracts in which an author may be included as a middle or senior author.