Dr. Thomas Krummel
Emile Holman Professor, and Professor, By Courtesy, of Cardiothoracic Surgery and of Bio-engineering and Co-Director, Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign
Title: How to Give a Great Presentation

Special Guest Lecture presented by:
Department of Surgery | S-SPIRE Center
Adil Haider, MD, MPH, FACS
Kessler Director, Center for Surgery and Public Health,
A Joint Initiative of Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
Harvard Medical School and Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health
Associate Chair, Research-Department of Surgery,
Brigham Health Trauma/Acute Care Surgeon,
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Title: “Brokering a Partnership Between the ACS and NIH to Address Health Disparities in Surgery”
Work-In-Progress cancelled
due to the ACS Clinical Congress
Weekly Work-In-Progress
Presented by:
Dan Eisenberg, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery (General Surgery)
Palo Alto Veterans Administration Health Care Center
Stanford University
“Body Mass Index Risk Zones and Variations in Obesity Detection in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury”
Dr. Michael Longaker
Deane P. and Louise Mitchell Professor in the School of Medicine and Professor, by Courtesy, of Materials Science and Engineering.
Title: Writing Workshop
The 10th Congress of the International Pediatric Transplant Association is now accepting abstracts. Submit your abstract at www.ipta2019.org for November 5, 2018.
Monthly Work In Progress
Presented by:
Dr. Marion Aouad
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, S-SPIRE
Dr. Liam Rose
Research Health Economist, S-SPIRE
Stanford University, School of Medicine
Title: “Utilization for Veterans with Expanded Healthcare Access ”
Presented by:
Dr. Ronald Dalman
Walter Clifford Chidester and Elsa Rooney Chidester
Professor of Surgery, Vascular Surgery
Weekly Work-In-Progress
Presented by:
Kristen Rumer, MD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
General Surgery
Stanford University
Title: “The effect of immunomodulatory medications on post-operative complications in patients with ulcerative colitis”