Holman20: Abstract Submission Deadline
Mar 20 all-day
Western Vascular Society 35 Annual Meeting Abstract Submission
May 1 all-day

For more info, see link:


Society for Medical Decision Making Biennial European Conference Abstract Deadline
May 26 all-day

42nd Annual North American Meeting

Relationships in Medical Decision Making

Tweet: #SMDM20

October 18 – October 21, 2020

Chicago, IL

Meeting co-chairs: David Meltzer, MD, PhD and Alan Schwartz, PhD

Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile
540 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL, 60611 USA

More information will be posted as we near the meeting.

Western Surgical Association 128th Scientific Session Abstract Submission
Jun 8 all-day



Welcome to the Western Surgical 2020 Abstract Submitter!
DEADLINE: Monday, June 08, 2020 at 11:59pm PDT

Presentation Types:

  • Oral Presentation | Accepted oral presentations will be required to submit a manuscript to the Journal of the American College of Surgeons (JACS). Additionally, a WSA Member must close the discussion of your paper at the WSA 2020 Annual Meeting. If your abstract is not selected as an Oral presentation, it will automatically be considered for a Poster presentation.
  • ePoster Presentation |Poster presentations do not require manuscript submission.
  • Video Presentation |Video presentations do not require manuscript submission. If your video is not selected for a Video podium presentation, it will be considered for a Video ePoster.


  • The abstract body (not counting abstract title or author string) must not exceed 500 words
  • Graphs, photos and/or tables are not accepted
  • Video format: Must not exceed 8 minutes, sound optional, MOV or MP4 formats only.
  • No reference to the authors or the institution should appear within the body of the abstract.
  • You do not need to be a Western Surgical Association member to submit an abstract for consideration. However, if selected, your member sponsor must be present for the meeting (and close the discussion if selected as an oral presentation).

Duplicate Submission Policy:
Information in the submission must represent original work that has not been previously published, or being under consideration for publication, and will not have been presented as a podium or poster presentation at a national or an international meeting prior to the dates of the WSA 2020 Annual Meeting (November 7-10, 2020).

You will need the following information before you submit your abstract.

  • Principal Contact & Presenter Information
  • Name and email address of sponsoring member (if none of the authors are WSA members)
  • List of Authors
  • Abstract body (500 words or less)
  • 2 Self-Assessment Questions

Should you have any questions, please contact:
Western Surgical Association
t: 913-402-7102 |

Southern Surgical Association 2020 Annual Meeting Abstract Submission Deadline
Jun 30 all-day

How to submit abstracts of papers for inclusion in the program.

Meeting Program

The deadline for abstract submissions is Midnight EST, June 30, 2020 — no exceptions.

Who is allowed to submit?

At least one co-author must be a member of the SSA and serve as the corresponding author who is responsible for notifying the other co-authors of the Program Committee’s decision.

Who is allowed to present a paper?

Only members will be allowed to present papers unless consideration is requested by a member co-author and permission granted by the Program Committee. Up to seven (7) non-members may be allowed to present papers. This determination will be made immediately after abstracts are selected by the Program Committee. Non-member presenter status will not be granted for trainees. Any non-member, including a trainee, may close the discussion, however.

American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery Meeting Abstract Submission Deadline
Jul 12 all-day




We welcome the submission of your abstract for the 2021 ASRM Annual Meeting. Please visit the abstract submission site below for instructions and details.


Abstract Submission Deadline / Sunday, July 12, 2020 11:59pm CDT

 Future Meeting Dates

2022 ASRM Annual Meeting

January 15-18, 2022

                        Omni La Costa Resort & Spa                       

Carlsbad, California

2023 ASRM Annual Meeting

January 20-24, 2023

          JW Marriott Miami Turnberry Resort and Spa

Aventura, Florida


© 2011 American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery – 20 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 700 – Chicago, IL 60602 312-456-9579. Fax 312-782-0553. | Contact Us | Privacy
Academic Surgical Congress (ASC) 16th Annual Meeting Abstract Submission Deadline
Aug 7 all-day




Submit your abstract now!

Submission Deadline: 
Friday, August 7, 2020 at 11:59 pm ET


Dear AAS/SUS Members and Colleagues,

As this unprecedented year unfolds, the AAS and SUS leadership are carefully watching the evolving crisis to understand its impact on our members. While much remains uncertain, it is clear that all of us have been significantly impacted – either by the pandemic itself or the financial implications of the shutdowns. At many of our institutions, elective surgery, research programs and labs have been put on hold. After discussions with many of you across the U.S. and internationally, we have learned that there are widespread institutional restrictions on travel and discretionary funding for next year. There is also significant uncertainty beyond travel or budget restrictions, including the safety of convening a large in-person meeting.

We feel that it is important for us to continue our mission of providing a rich and diverse environment for the development of academic surgical leaders in line with our core values: scholarship, leadership, professional development, mentorship, innovation, community, and inclusion.

With this in mind, we have decided the 2021 Academic Surgical Congress will take place on a virtual platform. The program committee and leadership are working hard to make our first virtual meeting exciting, impactful, and reflective of the issues confronting our societies.

Please save the dates for the first week in February! More details to come.

Stay safe, healthy and strong,
Carrie Lubitz, MD, MPH, AAS Recorder, ASC Program Chair
Melanie Morris, MD, SUS Publication Chair, ASC Program Chair
Eugene Kim, MD, AAS President
Sandra Wong, MD, MS, SUS President

American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Meeting (ASCRS) Annual Meeting Abstract Deadline
Oct 11 all-day


Call for Abstracts

2021 Call for Abstracts is Now Open

Submission Deadline
Sunday, October 11 at 11:59 pm CST.

Abstracts submitted for the ASCRS Annual Meeting are peer-reviewed and scored on scientific merit, originality and relevance to the field of colorectal surgery.



Presentation Formats

  • Oral, Quick Shot or ePoster: Abstracts submitted to this category will be competitively evaluated by the Program Committee for presentation in the oral, quick shot or ePoster format. Presentations selected will be eligible for annual awards including best overall, basic science or clinical paper presented from the podium or as an ePoster.
  • Oral Only: Abstracts submitted to this category will be competitively evaluated by the Program Committee for presentation in the oral format ONLY (Podium and Quick Shot). Abstracts will NOT be considered for ePoster presentation. Presentations selected will be eligible for annual awards including best overall, basic science or clinical paper presented from the podium.
  • ePoster Only: Abstracts submitted to this category will be evaluated for ePoster presentation only. Presentations selected will be eligible for best basic science or clinical e-poster.
  • Video: Abstracts submitted to this category will be competitively evaluated by the Video-Based Education Committee for presentation during the video abstract symposium and the Ongoing Video Room. Videos selected will be eligible for the best video award.
  • Case Study: Abstracts submitted to this category will be evaluated for ePoster presentation only.
  • Research Forum: Abstracts submitted to this category will be competitively evaluated by the Young Researchers Committee for oral presentation during the Research Forum. This session highlights developing areas of research that have clinical relevance for the care of patients with colorectal diseases. Presentations selected will be eligible for the Research in Progress award. If not accepted for Oral presentation the abstract will be considered for ePoster presentation.
  • New Technology: Abstracts submitted to this category will be competitively evaluated by the Program Committee in conjunction with the New Technologies Committee for oral presentation during the New Technology Symposium. This symposium highlights the development, integration, evaluation and dissemination of new technology in the practice of colon and rectal surgery. If not accepted for Oral presentation the abstract will be considered for e-poster presentation.

*** Abstracts submitted by General Surgery Residents will be considered for the General Surgery Forum and other oral abstract sessions. The General Surgery Forum highlights work completed by General Surgery residents and is aimed at increasing experience and participation at the ASCRS annual meeting.



  • Benign Anorectal: Hemorrhoids, Anal fissure, Abscess, Fistula, Rectovaginal fistula, Anal Stricture, Pilonidal disease, Pruritis ani, Sexually transmitted infections (excluding HPV)
  • Basic and Translational Science: Projects aimed at the fundamental understanding of Colorectal Disease development and treatment
  • Benign Abdominal: Diverticular disease, Large bowel obstruction, Volvulus, Lower gastrointestinal bleeding, Endometriosis, Trauma, Intestinal stomas, Colitis (infectious, ischemic, microscopic, radiation induced and C. difficile related), Anastomotic issues
  • Education, Assessment and Practice Management: Patient education, Physician education (medical student, resident, fellow, and in-practice), Technical skills assessment, and Practice management, Maintenance of certification
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Inflammatory bowel disease, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, Anorectal Crohn’s disease, Ileal pouch anal anastomosis
  • Colon and Rectal Cancer: Adenocarcinoma of the colon and rectum, Neoadjuvant treatment, Watch and wait, Adjuvant therapy, Functional outcomes, Low anterior resection syndrome, Local Recurrence, Transanal excision
  • Other Neoplasia: Anal cancer, Anal dysplasia, Condyloma, HPV infection, Colon polyps, Colonoscopy, Advanced Polypectomy techniques, Neuroendocrine tumors, Polyposis syndromes, Presacral tumors, Appendiceal Neoplasms, Carcinoid, GIST, Lymphoma
  • Pelvic Floor: Anal pain, Fecal incontinence, Constipation, Obstructed defecation, Rectal prolapse, Sacral Nerve Stimulation, Functional Bowel Disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Quality and Cost: Enhanced recovery after surgery, Administrative databases, Clinical registries, Observational studies, Health care economics, Quality and safety issues, Ethical Considerations

Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of the Annual Meeting, its innovative technology and the most

up-to-date research in the field. Submit your abstract today!

Submission Deadline
Sunday, October 11 at 11:59 pm CST.

If you have questions regarding abstract submissions please contact us at or 847-607-6410.

22nd Annual Fogarty Lecture
Oct 30 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

The 22nd Annual Thomas J. Fogarty, MD Lecture: Focus on Innovation

Friday, October 30, 2020 | 4pm
LKSC – Berg Hall | Stanford University

Featuring Julio C. Palmaz, MD, radiologist, honorary Ashbel Smith Professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center, inventor, entrepreneur, and vintner.
The Fogarty lectureship was established to bring together a diverse community in Silicon Valley focusing on leaders in discovery, invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship. This event is sponsored by Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign, Fogarty Institute for Innovation and Stanford Department of Surgery. Watch this space for more information.

Register here.