Thanksgiving — Admin Offices Closed
Nov 26 – Nov 27 all-day
ZOOM | Weekly Work-In-Progress Session
Nov 30 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Work-In-Progress Session

Presented by:
Cindy Kin, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery (General Surgery) at Stanford University Medical Center

Title: “
Effect of a Physical Activity Program before and after Cancer Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

For dial-in instructions, please contact Ana Mezynski at

Grand Rounds: Dr. Ron Dalman
Dec 1 @ 7:00 am – 8:00 am
American Geriatrics Society 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting Abstract Deadline Submission
Dec 2 all-day


Submit An Abstract

2021 Annual Meeting Call For Abstract Submissions

To go directly to the 2021 Abstract Submission site, click here.

Abstract Submission

Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract of original research for presentation as a paper or poster at the AGS 2021 Annual Meeting. All abstracts must be submitted online – hard copy abstract submissions will not be accepted. The abstract submission deadline is December 2 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time.

The abstract submission fee is $40 per abstract payable by credit card. Visa, MasterCard and American Express are accepted. This charge will appear on your statement as “AGS”.

Submission of an abstract does not constitute registration for the AGS 2021 Annual Meeting. Authors of accepted abstracts are expected to register for the meeting and pay the meeting registration fee.

Notification of the Abstract Selection Committee’s decision will be made in February 2021. Abstracts accepted for presentation at the AGS 2021 Annual Meeting will be published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society exactly as they are submitted.

Encore Presentations

The AGS invites encore presentations of research that has already been presented at other national or international meetings. Encore presentations of research should not have been published in anything other than abstract form before the 2021 AGS annual meeting. Please note that if you are applying for the Health in Aging Foundation New Investigator Award, you cannot submit an encore presentation.

Abstract Content And Format

Scientific abstracts report the results of original research and must contain data (either quantitative or qualitative) and report research results.

ABSTRACT BODY: The abstract should conform to the following organization and contain:

Background: should describe the context and importance of the study and state the objective(s) of the study.
Methods: should include a description of the methods used considering study design, setting, population, measures, and analytic procedures.
Results: should describe the results in sufficient detail to support the conclusions. Tabular or graphic results are acceptable. Include any data on the racial/ethnic diversity of your research population in this section. It is not satisfactory to state, “The results will be discussed” or “Other data will be presented”.  Abstracts that do not provide actual results will not be considered for publication or presentation.
Conclusions: should state the implications of the findings for clinical practice, research, education, or policy.

Scientific abstracts that do not describe research methods and present study results will not be considered for presentation at the annual meeting. Statements such as “data will be presented” or “results will be shown” should not be included in submitted abstracts. Abstracts should include only nonproprietary (generic) names, which should be written in lowercase letters, e.g. acetaminophen.

ABSTRACT LIMIT: There are no restrictions on the number of abstracts you may submit. If more than two abstracts are accepted from one investigator, one of the co-authors should make any additional presentation.

CHARACTER LIMIT: There is a limit of 2650 characters for the text of your abstract submission. This includes title, authors, institutions, references and abstract body, as well as all spaces.

TABLES and GRAPHICS: You may elect to submit either a table or an image, but not both. If you chose to submit a table, each row in the table will count as 50 characters. Image character count deduction is based on image size. The maximum deduction for an image is approximately 1200 characters. Images and tables can be easily edited or deleted any time before the submission deadline.

ABSTRACT PROOF: Proofing your abstract carefully is your responsibility. If accepted, the abstract will be published exactly as it is submitted – changes to the abstract will not be allowed once it has been submitted. Make sure all special characters and formatting are displaying properly in your proof. If you find errors, return to the appropriate page by clicking on the page name in the sidebar menu, and make your corrections.

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION CATEGORIES: Scientific abstract submissions must identify a primary submission category.

Case Series & Case Studies
Scholarship using individual cases or case series to provide insight into best practices in geriatrics.
Clinical Innovation & Quality Improvement
Development and evaluation of innovative models of geriatric care; research testing and implementing quality measures, and using measures to improve care and outcomes.
Clinical Trials
Research testing interventions using random or non-random control / comparison groups.
Descriptive studies of health and disease across large populations.
Ethics & Qualitative Research
Research exploring ethical and humanistic aspects of healthcare.
Geriatric Bioscience
Animal or human research examining fundamental biology of aging and / or disease processes.
Geriatric Education
Research and evaluation of innovation in health education.
Geriatric Medicine in Other Specialties  
Research on care and outcomes in Emergency Medicine, Surgery, Rehabilitation, or other specialties working with geriatric populations.
Geriatric Syndromes
Descriptive research on the mechanisms, natural history or management of major geriatric syndromes.
Health Services & Policy Research
Research on healthcare delivery, policy and payment.
Neurologic & Behavioral Science
Research on neurologic or psychiatric conditions affecting older patients.


Presentation of original research findings is an important component of the American Geriatrics Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting. Abstracts reporting results from original research studies will be reviewed by the Research Committee. Abstracts that are selected will be presented in poster and oral paper sessions devoted to original research.

By submitting an abstract for consideration, all authors must affirm the following:

  • I understand that submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment to present if accepted and that failure to present, if not justified, will jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts.
  • I understand that if accepted, the paper or poster abstract presentation must be made by one of the authors involved in the research and named as an author on the abstract.
  • I understand that if more than two abstracts are accepted from an investigator, one of the co-authors must make any additional presentation.
  • I affirm that this abstract does not duplicate other research I have submitted.
  • I affirm that this research will not be published before the 2021 AGS Annual Meeting.
  • I affirm that this abstract complies with the principles set forth in DHHS Code of Federal Regulations #45 CFR 46 on Protection of Human Subjects.
  • I affirm that this abstract complies with the guidelines of the American Association for the Advancement for Science in requiring assurances of the responsible use of animals in research (American Association for the Advancement of Science. Resolutions on Use of Animals in Research, Testing, and Education. Adopted by the AAAS Board and Council, February 19, 1990).
  • I affirm that this abstract complies with the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors regarding publication ethics (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. Ann Intern Med. 1997; 126:36-47). In particular, I affirm that “all persons designated as authors qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify are listed. Each author has participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. Authorship credit is based only on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Conditions 1, 2, and 3 are met for all authors”.
  • I affirm that I have disclosed all funding in support of this research at the time of my submission and understand that the AGS will publish a statement regarding support of my research in the abstract book.
  • If accepted to present this research, I agree to disclose sources of funding at the time of presentation either in print (posters) or on a slide (oral paper presentations).
  • I affirm that submitted abstracts include only generic names and that should it be accepted, the poster or paper presentation will also use only generic names when discussing drug therapies.


The AGS invites encore presentations of research that has already been presented at other national or international meetings. Encore presentations of research should not have been published in anything other than abstract form before the 2021 AGS Annual Meeting. Please note that if you are applying for the New Investigator Award, you can not submit an encore presentation.

  • I affirm that if this abstract is an encore presentation, the research will not have been published in anything other than abstract form in advance of the AGS 2021 Annual Meeting.

Violation of these Guidelines

I am aware that violation of these submission guidelines may result in:

  • a retraction withdrawing the abstract and detailing the reasons for its withdrawal being published in JAGS.
  • me and any industry supporter being prohibited from submitting an abstract for the next Annual Meeting, and a communications company organizing the submission being prohibited from participating in the next two annual meetings.
  • potential imposition of a $5000 fine on any industry supporter for each abstract that violates any of the submission guidelines.

Copyright Transfer

All authors must agree to transfer to the American Geriatrics Society the copyright and all other rights in the material comprising the abstract if the abstract is accepted. Authors with exceptions that will not allow them to agree to the transfer of the copyright (e.g. U.S. Government employees) should note the reason for not agreeing to the transfer of the copyright.

Southern Surgical Association Annual Meeting
Dec 6 – Dec 9 all-day

ZOOM | Monthly Work-In-Progress Session
Dec 7 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Greg Sacks


Greg Sacks, MD
Fellow, Complex General Surgical Oncology
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Candidate for General Surgery Multi-Billet Search

Title: “Surgical Decision Making: Building a Research Program”

For dial-in instructions, please contact Ana Mezynski at

Department M&M
Dec 8 @ 7:00 am – 8:00 am
Winter Closure — Admin Offices Closed
Dec 12 2020 – Jan 3 2021 all-day
Canceled | Weekly Work In Progress Session
Dec 14 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Weekly Work-In-Progress has been canceled due to winter closure beginning on December 14, 2020, and ending on January 3, 2021.

We will resume with the Monthly Work-In-Progress on January 4, 2021, at 5 pm via zoom. For dial-in instructions, please contact Ana Mezynski at

Canceled | Weekly Work In Progress Session
Dec 21 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Weekly Work-In-Progress has been canceled due to winter closure beginning on December 14, 2020, and ending on January 3, 2021.

We will resume with the Monthly Work-In-Progress on January 4, 2021, at 5 pm via zoom. For dial-in instructions, please contact Ana Mezynski at